Task 3. The phrasal verb LOOK (for/ over / after/ around/ back). Choose the correct particle.. 1. Look... and name the things that you can see. 2. When my sister is out of town, I look ... ... the cats. 3. What are you looking ...? - My keys. I can find them. 4. When I look... on my time at school. It puts a smile on my face. 5. Look... the contract before you sign it. 5 points​


Ответ дал: dimashscar10


1. around

2. after

3. for

4. back

5. over

Ответ дал: evgeniya6259


1. Look back and name the things that you can see. 2. When my sister is out of town, I look after for the cats. 3. What are you looking around ? - My keys. I can find them. 4. When I look after on my time at school. It puts a smile on my face. 5. Look behind the contract before you sign it.

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