LISTENING Task 1 Match the endings (a-f) with the beginnings (1-6) of the sentences. Beginning Ending The first people they see 2....... The woman in the purple dress The man in the green shirt Maria 5. Yuki 1. 3. 6. ...... Sebastian a is the marketing director. b. can get Yuki email access. c. will introduce herself to Sebastian later d. is responsible for information technol e. do order management. f. will be working with Yuki​



Ответ дал: Dilshatserik2021


  • LISTENING Task 1 Match the endings (a-f) with the beginnings (1-6) of the sentences. Beginning Ending The first people they see 2....... The woman in the purple dress The man in the green shirt Maria 5. Yuki 1. 3. 6. ...... Sebastian a is the marketing director. b. can get Yuki email access. c. will introduce herself to Sebastian later d. is responsible for information technol e. do order management. f. will be working with Yuki

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