НАЙДИ КАЖДОМУ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЮ 1-10 СООТВЕТСТВУЮЩЕЕ ПРОДОЛЖЕНИЕ А-Ј. ЗАНЕСИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В ТАБЛИЦУ. 1. Thanksgiving is..... 2. IT is always on the....... 3. Peter's father buys..... 4. Americans celebrate Thanksgiving with their families because....... 5. They eat..... 6. People have a lot to do... 7. Mother cooks... 8. Peter's grandparents.... 9. First.... 10. Peter does not like... a)... before the holiday. b)...an American holiday. c)...they go to church and thank God. d)... a big fat turkey. e)...the turkey and a lot of other tasty things. f)...a roast turkey with potatoes, pumpkin pie and ice- cream. g)... it is a family holiday. h)...pumpkin pie. i)...come to see them on this day. j)...fourth Thursday of November.



Ответ дал: Sakurakass
Таблица с соответствующими продолжениями:

| № | Ответ |
| 1 | b |
| 2 | j |
| 3 | e |
| 4 | g |
| 5 | d |
| 6 | a |
| 7 | f |
| 8 | i |
| 9 | c |
|10 | h |
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