Помогите пожалуйста с английским



Ответ дал: Sakurakass
A. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

1. Hey, Diana, your mobile phone **is ringing**!
2. Jamie often **prints** his own designs on T-shirts. In fact, he **is creating** one for me right now.
3. What **does your father do** for a living?
4. If you **want** to become a doctor, you have to study harder. It's up to you!
5. No, we **are not going** round Terry's house again tonight. Forget it!
6. **Are you thinking** of going on a cruise this summer?

B. Circle the correct words.

1. A: What are you looking for, Eileen? B: My driving licence. I can't find it **anywhere**.
2. A: Look at all this great stuff! I want to buy **everything**!
B: But, Mum, they're clothes for teenagers! There's **nothing** for you in here.
3. A: Stop whispering, there's **nobody** in here. B: I'm not so sure about that. I saw **something** move over there.

C. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple of the verbs given.

1. Julie **bought** a beautiful bracelet decorated with stones and sea shells.
2. Sam **did not get** the job because he **was not polite** to the interviewer.
3. They really **were annoyed** by the gossip last night.
4. Mary **did not know** what to do when the baby **was crying**.

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Ответ дал: shamburbulka



1. is ringing

2. prints, is creating

3. does your father do

4. want

5. are not going

6. think
1. anywhere

2. everything

3. nobody, something


1. bought

2. didn't, wasn't

3. annoyed

4. didn't know, started


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