Complete the dialogue. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Have you been (be) to France recently? Yes, I went last month for a few days. (be) there B: A: A: Do you speak French? B: Yes, 12 Startes (start) learning it three years ago. How about you? A: I never studies. French and I ain't (not/visit) France. (never/study) visit B: By the way where's your sister? "Iy She already? -going (she/go) home A: I don't think so. She Wa (be) here a RY minute ago. I saw her. She S tarking (talk) to


Ответ дал: danomii


A: Have you been to France recently?

B: Yes, I went last month for a few days. Have you been there?

A: No, I've never visited France. Do you speak French?

B: Yes, I started learning it three years ago. How about you?

A: I never studied French, and I ain't going to France.

B: By the way, where's your sister? Has she already gone home?

A: I don't think so. She was here a minute ago. I saw her. She's talking to someone.

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