touch 2 Read the Class Book. Circle the wrong word. Write the correct word. 1 Football started in France. Tennis 2 They hit the ball with their feet. 3 Later, people started wearing a leather shoe. glove 4 People started to play tennis inside in 1873. Outside двие 5 The last winner at Wimbledon was Spencer Gore. 6 The first tennis balls were leather. Wooden JAZ JA​



Ответ дал: aitbaevaulzhan


Read the Class Book. Circle the wrong word. Write the correct word.

1. Football started in France. **Tennis**

2. They hit the ball with their feet. **glove**

3. Later, people started wearing a leather shoe. **shoe**

4. People started to play tennis inside in 1873. **Outside**

5. The last winner at Wimbledon was Spencer Gore.

6. The first tennis balls were leather. **Wooden**

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