5. Choose the correct relative pronoun.
1. Wendy, which/who is my cousin, works as a supermodel.
2. The cat that/who is sitting on the chair is very fat.
3. The house who/which is next to the shop is very big.
4. Robert and Paul, which/who are in this photo, are my uncles.
5. The man that/which is standing there is their father.
6. The book which/who is on the table is very interesting.


Ответ дал: Reotd


Wendy, who is my cousin, works as a supermodel.

The cat that is sitting on the chair is very fat.

The house which is next to the shop is very big.

Robert and Paul, who are in this photo, are my uncles.

The man who is standing there is their father.

The book that is on the table is very interesting.


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