ases, or WRITING Task 3. Choose one topic and write 60-70 words essay. Topic 1. Write about your last trip. 1) What did you do here? 2) What was the weather like in that place? 3) How you felt coming home? 4) What will you always remember about that place? lots of things to do here​


Ответ дал: karinaae04


My most recent trip is a trip to Alakul. I was so surprised when my parents told me about our family trip because we didn't travel often because of their work. The journey took about eight, maybe nine hours. We drove at night and reached the river in the morning. It was so exciting. When we arrived at our hotel in the morning, we really wanted to sleep, which we did after unpacking our things. The weather was very hot, I didn’t want to leave the room, but when I saw the sea I decided to go out. Even though it was the coolest vacation, I was so glad when I returned home. I was very exhausted and it was nice to return to my home. When I think about this trip, I remember the happy moments spent with my family.

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