3 Complete the text with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. It was a hot and sunny Sunday afternoon. Crowds of people. (lie) on the grass in the park enjoying the sun. Kareena bought some ice cream from a van and 2 (carry) them to her good friends Daniel and Mira when suddenly 3 a large dog ³. 4 (run) up to her. It (jump) up and Kareena fell to (land) the ground and 5. on the ice creams she had just bought! 'I'm very sorry, Bella gets so excited here in the park! Are you OK? Here, I'll help you get (hear) a voice up,' she 6 say. (look) up (think) Kareena 7 angrily. She 8 how annoying some people can be with their pets when, all of a sudden, her eyes 9 (meet) his. All her anger (disappear). magically 10 'Um, don't worry! It's just ice cream! Look!' Kareena " 11 (wipe) the ice cream off her face. In no time, they (laugh). 12​



Ответ дал: GwenStacy1
It was a hot and sunny Sunday afternoon. Crowds of people were lying on the grass in the park enjoying the sun. Kareena bought some ice cream from a van and carried two of them to her good friends Daniel and Mira when suddenly a large dog ran up to her. It jumped up, and Kareena fell to the ground and landed on the ice creams she had just bought! 'I'm very sorry, Bella gets so excited here in the park! Are you OK? Here, I'll help you get up,' she said. Looking up, Kareena was thinking angrily. She remembered how annoying some people can be with their pets when, all of a sudden, her eyes met his. All her anger disappeared magically. 'Um, don't worry! It's just ice cream! Look!' Kareena wiped the ice cream off her face. In no time, they were laughing.

amanjolbalnur6: Хм
amanjolbalnur6: Там не которые слова нету в тексте зачем
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