Choose ONE of the topics and write.
Topic 1: You are a charitable volunteer in your city and always give a hand to those who are in need:
clean the apartments of the disabled people; bring food to animal refuges to feed homeless animals;
organise campaigns to raise money and collect toys and clothes for the local orphanages.
Your new idea is to write a formal letter to the local mayor to ask him/her for any help he/she can
provide to help your charity organisation. Include in your letter the following information:
• The title of your charity organisation;
• What you have done/are doing already;
• How you would like the mayor to help your charity organisation.


Ответ дал: tenanatoly40

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]


[Mayor's Name]

[City Hall Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear Mayor [Mayor's Last Name],

Subject: Request for Support for [Charity Organisation's Name]

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am a volunteer representing [Charity Organisation's Name], a non-profit dedicated to extending support to the vulnerable members of our community.

Over the past [duration of your organization's existence], we have actively engaged in various initiatives aimed at uplifting the lives of our fellow citizens. Our efforts encompass cleaning the apartments of individuals with disabilities, providing sustenance to homeless animals by supplying food to local animal refuges, and conducting fundraising campaigns to collect toys and clothes for the young residents of our local orphanages.The impact of our initiatives has been both heartening and humbling, witnessing the positive change we've brought to the lives of many in need. However, we recognize that our reach could be significantly amplified with additional support from our local governing bodies.We are writing to humbly request any assistance or collaboration that the esteemed Office of the Mayor might extend to our organisation. Specifically, we are seeking guidance on potential avenues for increased community involvement, access to resources, or any support programs that the city administration may offer to further our cause.We envision partnering with the city in organizing awareness campaigns, leveraging communal resources, or participating in civic events aimed at aiding our initiatives for the betterment of our community.Your support and guidance would immensely bolster our efforts, enabling us to extend our reach and positively impact more lives in our city.

We sincerely appreciate your time and consideration. We are eagerly looking forward to the possibility of collaborating with the city administration to further our shared vision of a compassionate and supportive community.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position in the Charity Organisation]

[Contact Information]

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