Rewrite the sentences with the adverb of frequency in the correct place( переписати речення, поставити прислівник частоти на правильне місце в реченні) 1. I go swimming when the weather is good(always) 2. I never play football but I play rugby. ( often) 3. My mum doesn’t go snowboarding. (often) 4. Are you bored in class? ( sometimes) 5. I’m bored at the weekend(never). 6. Maria doesn’t go sailing in the evening (usually). 7. Are they late for school? ( always) 8.
I go swimming in the winter(never). 2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box: afraid; awesome; busy; castle; famous; ferry; upset; ceiling 1.I really want to visit an old….when we go to England. 2.The weather was bad and the sea was rough so the journey on the... was not easy. 3. Why is Anna so…?Did she get some bad news? 4. Everybody knows them. Theyr'e…. 5. This building is… I can't believe it has so many stairs. 6. Dont' forget that James is …of spiders, so don't visit the insect house. 7. I’m very … at the moment. I’ve got a lot of homework. 8.
The...above your heads is the original, painted be a famous artist in 1786. 3.Complete the conversation. Write the verbs in the past simple.(скласти діалог, поставити дієслова в Past Simple) John: Hi Mark. It's great to see you again. How(1)...(be) your holiday? Mark: God. I really had a good time. John: (2). (go) cycling? Mark: No, we didn't. We (3)...(stay) in a fantastic hotel. John: What (4). ... you (do) every day? Mark: In the mornings we (5)...(visit) different places and ni the afternoons we (6)...(swim) ni the sea. The beach (7)... (be) very near the hotel. John: Sounds good. (8).................. you .... (see) Colin? Mark: No. I didn't. I think he went yesterday.

namename3745: Срочна


Ответ дал: Dilshatserik2021


Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense to make Ist, 2nd and 3rd CONDITIONAL SENTENCES If she (not/go) to the meeting, I won't go either. If the children don't eat soon, they (be) grumpy. If I don't go to bed I (be) soon, tired in the morning. If Luke had sent some flowers to his mother, she If the weather we would have gone to the beach. If she library, she will study more. (be) happy. (go) to the If Susan (drink) too much coffee, she won't sleep tonight. If she had studied Mandarine, she (go) to Beijing. If the baby (sleep) better last night, I wouldn't have been so tired. (not/be) so cold, If Susan lived in the UK, If Susan didn't speak French, she (not/move) to Paris. If Julie hadn't gone to Sweden, she (go) to Germany. (see) her more often. If I had gone to the party, I (meet) Susan. If Lucy doesn't quit her job soon, she (go) crazy BLIVEWORKSHEETS

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