1. There has been a change to the Schedule and your flight now at 18.40. 2. "Have you heard from Dr. Anderson?" "Yes. She . Friday evening? 3. By the end of the 21st century, people. planets. 4. "Carry this very carefully." "Don't worry, 5. All tomorrow afternoon 6. Next year 7. The 4.30 to York 8. "This dictionary costs $50, but the red one is cheaper." "Ok, the red one. 9. Hopefully in the future, we 10. She ...... 11. This offer disappointment. 12. Saturday 18th March. The sun 13. "Ok, bye for now! "Bye, 14. Don't phone at 9.00, because 15. I hope they 16 Yes I make iam every week I .(leave) ..(arrive) at 6.00 on ..(start) living in other ..(drop) it." .(work) on my project. .(live) in this flat for over ten years. ..(leave) from Platform 1. .(take) ..(make) the environment cleaner. .(give) a talk on the Genome Project on Saturday morning. ..(expire) on 30th September so buy now to avoid .....(rise) at 6.08. .(see) you at the same time on Friday." ...(watch) the match then. ..(repair) this road by the time we come back next summer. (make) about 200 kilos by the end of the summer ​


Ответ дал: 543838

Відповідь:1. There has been a change to the schedule, and your flight is now at 18:40.

2. "Have you heard from Dr. Anderson?" "Yes. She is arriving on Friday evening."

3. By the end of the 21st century, people will have explored planets.

4. "Carry this very carefully." "Don't worry, I am holding it securely."

5. All activities are happening tomorrow afternoon.

6. Next year, we will be celebrating our 10th anniversary.

7. The 4:30 train to York is departing from Platform 1.

8. "This dictionary costs $50, but the red one is cheaper." "Okay, I am buying the red one."

9. Hopefully, in the future, we will have more sustainable energy sources.

10. She is leaving for a conference tomorrow.

11. This offer is causing disappointment.

12. On Saturday, 18th March, the sun will be shining.

13. "Okay, bye for now!" "Bye, I am looking forward to our next meeting."

14. Don't phone at 9:00 because I will be in a meeting.

15. I hope they are enjoying their vacation.

16. Yes, I leave my house every week. I am arriving at 6:00 on Friday. I start working on my project. I have been living in other cities. I will drop it." I am currently working on my project. I have been living in this flat for over ten years. I am leaving from Platform 1. I am taking steps to make the environment cleaner. I am giving a talk on the Genome Project on Saturday morning. It will expire on 30th September, so buy now to avoid rising prices. The sun is rising at 6:08. I will see you at the same time on Friday. I am watching the match then. They are repairing this road by the time we come back next summer. I will have made about 200 kilos by the end of the summer.


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