Task 4. Choose one of the cards and prepare an individual talk. Provide own experience on topics, using
appropriate subject-specific vocabulary. You have 1 minute to prepare and 1-2 minutes to talk.
Card 1.
Do you
live in a town or village?
What kind of place is it?
Do you like living there?
What are the main tourist attractions in your home town / village?
What place there do you like best? Why?
Card 2.
Who are the famous actors and musicians in your country? Why do you think so?
Who are your favourite actors and actresses?
Why do you think so?
Who is your favourite producer?
Why do people like watching comedies?
Card 3.
What is the most popular cartoon among teenagers?
Do you like it? Why or why not?
Who do you usually watch it with?
Do your friends like watching this cartoon?
Why do children prefer watching cartoons?
Card 4.
What is your favourite comedy show?
Can you give its name and actors?
What is the program about?
How often do you watch it?
Why do you like it?


Ответ дал: Reotd


Card 1:

I live in a town called [Town Name]. It's a vibrant place with a mix of modern facilities and historical charm. I appreciate the convenience of urban living but also enjoy the green spaces and community feel. One of the main tourist attractions is [Landmark/Attraction], known for its [mention a distinctive feature]. Personally, my favorite spot is [Favorite Place] because [reason]. Overall, I like living here because of the diverse opportunities and the lively atmosphere.

Card 2:

In my country, [Country Name], there are several famous actors and musicians who have gained international recognition. One standout actor is [Actor Name], known for [mention a notable performance]. As for my personal favorites, I admire [Favorite Actor/Actress] because [reason]. Regarding producers, [Producer Name] is well-regarded for [mention a notable work]. Comedies are popular because they provide a light-hearted escape and laughter, which people universally enjoy.

Card 3:

Among teenagers, the most popular cartoon is [Cartoon Name]. It's widely liked because of [mention the appealing aspects, e.g., humor, relatable characters]. Personally, I enjoy watching it because [personal reason]. I usually watch it with [mention who you watch it with]. Many of my friends also like this cartoon because [reason]. Cartoons, in general, appeal to children because they combine entertainment with colorful visuals and imaginative stories.

Card 4:

My favorite comedy show is [Show Name], featuring [Lead Actor/Comedian]. The program revolves around [briefly describe the theme]. I watch it regularly, usually [mention frequency], because it never fails to make me laugh. I appreciate the clever humor and the chemistry between the actors. Comedy shows, in general, are popular because they provide a break from daily stress and offer a chance to unwind through laughter.


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