СРОЧНО!!! Нужно решить дз по английскому. Все задания на фото Даю 60 баллов



Ответ дал: 04yuriy02



1. A: When **does** James (tidy) his house? He's always busy.

2. B: He always **tidies** his house on Sunday mornings.


3. A: What **is Dan doing** in the garden now?

4. Anthony usually **visits** his cousins on Saturdays, but today he **isn't visiting** them because he is ill, so he **is staying** at home.


1. Amanda is more polite than Lisa. Lisa isn't **as tidy as** James.

2. My house isn't as modern as Rita's. Rita's house **is busier than** mine.

3. There isn't anyone as outgoing as Victor in the class. Victor **is the most outgoing** in the class.

4. Yesterday it was colder than today. Today it isn't **as cold as** yesterday.

5. Our cat, Lucy, was more beautiful than all the others in the contest. Our cat, Lucy, was **the most beautiful** of all.


While I (1) **was coming** home from work yesterday, I (2) **saw** a burglar coming out of my house. I (3) **was hiding** behind a car and (4) **was watching** him as he (5) **was putting** my things in a black van. As soon as he (6) **left**, I (7) **called** the police and (8) **told** them what he looked like. A few hours later, they (9) **caught** him.

8. Use the prompts to write sentences in the Past Simple or the Present Perfect Simple.

1. You **have known** Alice since 2003.

2. Sandy **moved** to London two weeks ago. As soon as he (10) **entered** another house.

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