1 Read the sentences and make questions for yes/no answers. 1 The weather was good. Was the weather good? 2 Ann and Jim were on time. 3 Fred went to the cinema. 2 Write short answers to the questions in Exercise 1. 1✔ Yes, it was. 4 ✔ 5 X 2 X 6✓ 3 X 3 Complete the dialogue with did, was, wasn't, were or weren't. Dr Q: 'Did you watch TV last night? Pi: Yes, 12 Dr Q: What_ Pi: Dr Q: 4. Pi: Dr Q: A film about birds. No, it 5. The birds didn't fly. 6 Pi: Dr Q: 8 it a good film? in the cold sea? Yes, they' _ on TV? Pi: Dr Q: No, they the birds swim the birds black and white? Yes. They were funny birds. 4 Amanda brought a pizza. 5 His passport was in his backpack 6 The reporters came to the match They were penguins. funny, Pi!​



Ответ дал: zeynabguseynli011


Ответ там на листочке сорян, что так коротко просто спешу


zadorozhnii90: а третье задание где ?
zeynabguseynli011: А те чё надо неблагодарный
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