those planes. 9 Complete the dialogue with the correct past simple negative or interrogative form of the verbs in brackets. Pete 1 Matt Yes, I did. It was my birthday. Pete Really? Happy birthday! What 2 (you/do)? Matt I went to London for the weekend. Pete Wow! Who' Matt I went with my family. It was great! Pete 4 (you/drive) there? Matt No, we' 5 Mark: shopping! (you / have) a good weekend, Matt? (you/go) with? because there were a lot of people. 7 Pete Yes, London is always really busy. (you/buy) any souvenirs? Matt No, I (not go) by car; we went by train. We saw all the sights: Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, the London Eye, I loved it! But I (not like) Buckingham Palace, /8 (not have) time to go Mark: 18​


Ответ дал: limbichoo


Pete: 1 Did you go somewhere for your birthday?

Matt: Yes, I did. It was my birthday.

Pete: Really? Happy birthday! What did you do?

Matt: I went to London for the weekend.

Pete: Wow! Who did you go with?

Matt: I went with my family. It was great!

Pete: 4 Did you drive there?

Matt: No, we didn't go by car; we went by train. We saw all the sights: Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, the London Eye. I loved it! But I didn't like Buckingham Palace, because there were a lot of people.

Pete: Yes, London is always really busy. Did you buy any souvenirs?

Matt: No, I didn't have time to go shopping!

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