Листенингг в соче!!!! Task. Listen again and choose the correct answer.

4. According to the scientists global warming....

A. will cause natural disasters

B. will lead to flooding

C. will be the reason of low temperature

D. will be the reason of saving money

5. Richard tells Josh that he will be able to swim in his ba

A. people will have enough supplied water to make B. temperature keeps rising that means water in the

arden because mming pools.

C. that a lot of cities will also flood along with the D. he would not need to go to the sea to swim there

mming pool will be v hey both live in.

6. Josh says petrol would be affordable because

A. people would drive their cars more.

B. there would be no hinders in the Arctic.

C. polar bears would not live in the Arctic anymore. D. people could go for nice long drives in the country
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Ответ дал: 1712samsa10s

Ответ:According to the scientists, global warming...

A. will cause natural disasters

B. will lead to flooding

C. will not be the reason for low temperature, but rather increased temperatures

D. will not be the reason for saving money, but may incur additional costs for mitigation and adaptation efforts

Richard tells Josh that he will be able to swim in his backyard because...

A. people will have enough supplied water to make swimming pools.

B. the temperature keeps rising, which means water in the swimming pool will be very comfortable for them both to enjoy.

C. a lot of cities will also flood along with the swimming pool they both live in.

D. he would not need to go to the sea to swim there; the swimming pool will suffice.

Josh says petrol would be affordable because...

A. people would drive their cars more, hence making petrol more affordable due to increased demand.

B. there would be no hindrance in the Arctic, possibly referring to oil drilling or extraction.

C. polar bears would not live in the Arctic anymore, potentially indicating reduced environmental concerns for wildlife.

D. people could go for nice long drives in the country, indicating leisurely drives leading to increased petrol consumption and possibly lowered prices due to bulk usage.

These responses provid


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