Проблемы финансирования спасательных служб Америки​


Ответ дал: Аноним


Rescue services are essential for saving lives and protecting property in emergency situations. However, many rescue services in America face serious challenges due to insufficient funding, outdated equipment, and lack of personnel. These problems affect the quality and efficiency of rescue operations, as well as the safety and well-being of rescue workers and the public.One of the main problems of funding rescue services in America is the reliance on local taxes and fees, which vary widely across different jurisdictions and are often inadequate to cover the rising costs of rescue operations. According to a report by the National Fire Protection Association, the total expenditures of fire departments in the United States increased by 33% from 2010 to 2018, while the revenues from local sources only increased by 15%1. This resulted in budget deficits, service cuts, and staff reductions for many fire departments, especially in rural and low-income areas.Another problem of funding rescue services in America is the lack of federal and state support, which could help to address the gaps and disparities in local funding. Although there are some federal and state grants and programs that provide assistance to rescue services, they are often competitive, limited, and temporary, and do not meet the long-term and diverse needs of rescue services across the country. For example, the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program, which is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, awarded $355 million to fire departments in 2019, but received requests for $2.6 billion2.A third problem of funding rescue services in America is the impact of climate change, which increases the frequency and intensity of natural disasters, such as wildfires, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes. These disasters require more resources and personnel from rescue services, as well as coordination and collaboration with other agencies and organizations. However, many rescue services are not prepared or equipped to deal with the challenges and risks posed by climate change, and often face shortages of funding, equipment, and staff during and after disasters.In conclusion, funding rescue services in America is a complex and urgent issue that affects the lives and property of millions of people. There is a need for more stable, adequate, and equitable funding sources for rescue services, as well as more federal and state support and guidance. Moreover, there is a need for more investment and innovation in rescue equipment and technology, as well as more training and education for rescue workers, to cope with the effects of climate change and other emerging threats.


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