6 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Imagine that you are going
to spend a year on a desert island. Decide which of
the things below you will take with you and why. What else
will you take? Use the phrases to help you.
blanket first-aid kit gun knife lighter
mobile phone pencil and paper sun cream
toothbrush towel
Let's take... so that we can...
(don't) think we need a ... because
A... will be useful for
I think we should also take....
Good idea. /I'm not sure about that.
er that play.


Ответ дал: highddduihf


A: Let's take a blanket so that we can stay warm during the nights.

B: Good idea. I'm not sure about a gun, though. I don't think we need a gun because...

A: ...because we're on a deserted island, and we're not likely to encounter any threats. How about a first-aid kit? It will be useful for...

B: ...treating any minor injuries or illnesses. Yes, we should definitely take a first-aid kit. And I think we should also take a knife for various tasks like cutting branches or preparing food.

A: Agreed. I also suggest taking a mobile phone. Even though there might not be any network coverage, it could come in handy if we find a way to signal for help.

B: True, and we can use it as a flashlight or even a mirror. What about a pencil and paper?

A: That's a good idea. We can use them to jot down important notes or leave messages. How about a lighter?

B: Yes, a lighter is essential for starting fires, especially for cooking or keeping warm. I think we should skip the sun cream since we'll be in a tropical climate, and we'll adapt to the sun gradually.

A: Agreed. Lastly, let's not forget a toothbrush for maintaining our dental hygiene.

B: Absolutely. So, our essentials are a blanket, first-aid kit, knife, mobile phone, pencil and paper, lighter, and a toothbrush. Anything else?

A: Perhaps a towel for various purposes like drying off or makeshift shade.

B: Sounds like a comprehensive list. We're ready for our desert island adventure!

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