Task. Listen to the recording twice and fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box. CDS. Tapescron 2 Married Large ad test off of gelbro Lives flowers Works My family 1 in Melbourne. There are six people in my family. My house. The house has four bedrooms and a mother and father live in a 2 big backyard. There are 3 in the front yard. My older brother, Alan, is 4 and has two children. My younger brother, Bill, and my sister, Sue, live at home. My father S in an office in Belmore. He is a manager. My mother works at home and looks after the house, I am very lucky to have a wonderful family, bo 71000 1291 sat bes 24 Total [5]​


Ответ дал: aitbaevaulzhan


It seems like you've provided a passage with blanks to fill in, but unfortunately, I cannot listen to recordings or view images. However, I can help you with any questions you have about the text or provide assistance in understanding the context. If you'd like, you can share specific blanks or sentences you're unsure about, and I'll do my best to assist you.


Вот перевод на Руский

Моя семья живет в Мельбурне. В нашей семье шесть человек. Наш дом имеет четыре спальни, и мама с папой живут в большом дворе. В переднем дворе есть цветы. Мой старший брат Алан женат и у него двое детей. Мой младший брат Билл и сестра Сью живут дома. Мой отец работает в офисе в Белморе. Он менеджер. Моя мама работает дома и заботится о доме. Мне повезло иметь замечательную семью.

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