(149 Tick sure/not sure according to your teacher's intonation. SURE NOT SURE 1. You can take the train, can't you? 2. He'll bring his wife, won't he? 3. Those shoes are too big, aren't they? 4. Your friends won't come tomorrow, will they? 5. They were on the same plane as us, weren't they? 6. You don't understand the exercise, do you? 7. Prince Andrew and Sarah are divorced now, aren't they? 8. You're not busy tonight, are you? 9. Look, that's the President, isn't it? 10. They live next door, don't they? 11. Dorothy lost her purse last night, didn't she? 12. He's got beautiful blue eyes, hasn't he? 13. Ann can't dance, can she? 14. William Shakespeare didn't die in 1621, did he? 15. This coat belongs to Abi, doesn't it? 16. Daphne got married last year, didn't she? до 9 40 пжжжжж дам 100 баллов ​


Ответ дал: kawakuboyaroslav

Sure / Not sure:

You can take the train, can't you? - Sure

He'll bring his wife, won't he? - Sure

Those shoes are too big, aren't they? - Sure

Your friends won't come tomorrow, will they? - Not sure

They were on the same plane as us, weren't they? - Sure

You don't understand the exercise, do you? - Not sure

Prince Andrew and Sarah are divorced now, aren't they? - Sure

You're not busy tonight, are you? - Not sure

Look, that's the President, isn't it? - Sure

They live next door, don't they? - Sure

Dorothy lost her purse last night, didn't she? - Sure

He's got beautiful blue eyes, hasn't he? - Sure

Ann can't dance, can she? - Sure

William Shakespeare didn't die in 1621, did he? - Sure

This coat belongs to Abi, doesn't it? - Sure

Daphne got married last year, didn't she? - Sure

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