помогите с заданием даю 30 баллов​



Ответ дал: redpinka


1 - I was going home at 4 o'clock yesterday.

2 - We were playing basketball at 6 o'clock last Sunday.

3 - She was talking with her friend for forty minutes yesterday.

4 - You was washing the window in the afternoon yesterday.

5 - Nick was riding his bike all the evening.

6 - Shella and Dora were waiting for a bus for half an hour.

7 - They were preparing for the party all day yesterday.

8 - I was learning the poem for an hour.

9 - Dick was painting the walls in his room from 2 to 6 o'clock last Wednesday.

10 - Eve and Tony were skating all day last Saturday.


1 - Sandy had lunch at two o'clock yesterday.

2 - We were playing chess all day last Sunday.

3 - We met her at the bus stop. She was waiting for the bus.

4 - The girls were feeding the squirrels in the garden while the I was taking pictures of them.

5 - When Sam opened the door, the children were dancing in the classroom.

6 - When Tom was crossing the street, he saw his friend.

7 - When I was going to school, I met my friend Ben.

8 - When we were going to the cinema, we met our cousin.

sanya1zarya: спасибо
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