8 Complete the table with the verbs below. Then tick the things that were true for you yesterday. be eat go help meet play, send surf use What did you do yesterday? 1.90 in to the cinema 2 Working with the housework 3 watching social media out your friends st 4 5 Walking 6 P/ 7 Kead 8 looking 9171g computer games a lot of texts the internet in bed before 11 p.m. You Your partner to ack and answer​


Ответ дал: sofiaskrypnyk01


It seems like there might be some confusion or missing information in the provided text. However, I'll try to assist you based on what's given. Here's a suggested completion of the table:

| Verb | Yesterday's Activities |


| be | I was at home. |

| eat | I ate dinner at a restaurant. |

| go | I went to the cinema. |

| help | I helped my friend move some furniture. |

| meet | I met a colleague for coffee. |

| play | I played computer games. |

| send | I sent a lot of texts. |

| surf | I surfed the internet for news. |

| use | I used my laptop for work. |

Now, you can tick the activities that were true for you yesterday based on the given sentences. For example:

- Tick the box for "go" if you went to the cinema.

- Tick the box for "help" if you helped with housework.

- Continue ticking based on your actual activities.

Feel free to provide more information or clarify if needed.

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