17 Put these sentences in order to make a paragraph. Write 1 in front of the first sentence, 2 in front of the second sentence, and so on. He was receiving a call. My friend and I leaned forward, listening carefully to the movie. C. It was very distracting. d. ....... Last night, I went to see a movie with my friend. It was a suspense movie. e. He decided to answer the call. a. f. g. h. j. k. We think that people should turn off their cell phones when they watch a movie, or not bring them at all! i....... Suddenly, we heard a buzzing sound. I. m. It was very exciting. The man next to us had a cell phone, and it was vibrating. He was whispering but we could still hear him. Cell phones should not be allowed in theaters. My friend and I felt annoyed. At the most exciting moment, the actors didn't speak. Only quiet music was playing.​


Ответ дал: dspradysev


1. Last night, I went to see a movie with my friend. It was a suspense movie.

2. My friend and I leaned forward, listening carefully to the movie.

3. Suddenly, we heard a buzzing sound.

4. He was receiving a call.

5. He decided to answer the call.

6. The man next to us had a cell phone, and it was vibrating. He was whispering but we could still hear him.

7. It was very distracting.

8. It was very exciting.

9. At the most exciting moment, the actors didn't speak. Only quiet music was playing.

10. We think that people should turn off their cell phones when they watch a movie, or not bring them at all!

11. Cell phones should not be allowed in theaters.

12. My friend and I felt annoyed.

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