6 Complete the exchanges with a, an, some or any. 1 A: Are there any windows in the kitchen? B: There is window, but there aren't .......... ............. curtains. 2 A: There are ............. B: I can see them, but I can't find bag to put them in. 3 A: Is there............. armchair in your living books on the table. room? B: Yes, there is. And there is sofa, too. 4 A: Are there bedroom wall? B: No, there aren't .. 5 A: There aren't kitchen. B: No, but there is.. posters on your there are ............. paintings. ...... posters, but chairs in the table.​



Ответ дал: xxvkkxx


1. a; any

2. some; a

3. an; a

4. any; any; some

5. any; a

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