Writing. Task 2. Rewrite the sentences in Future Tense em 1.The/ will/ start/ soon /movie. Theats 2.on Sunday/ you /be/ at/ the party/ Will 3. not going /I'm/ drama school/ to go/to/. 4.is going /She/to/ university /to go. She is going 5.is going /Bob/What/ to do /next year? 6. He /the cinema/go/ will/to/ next weekend​


Ответ дал: grncvq79n8

1. The movie will start soon; 2. Will you on Sunday be at party?; 3. I’m not going to go to drama school; 4. She is going to go to university; 5. What is Bob going to do next year?; 6. He will go to the cinema next weekend.

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