ПОИОГИТЕ ПЖ !!Procedure Choose any of the following topics and speak of it. FOOD FOR THOUGHT, THOUGHTS ON FOOD 1) What kind of food do you like? How about hate? Why? 2) What is the best meal that your have ever eaten? Why was it so good? 3) What is the strangest dish you have ever tried? How was it? 4) What is the most disgusting dish you have ever tried? Why was it so bad? 5) How often do you cook? What can you cook well? 6) Do you regularly eat a well-balanced diet? Why/not? 7) What kind of food can't you go without for a long time? Why? 8) What dish (or dishes) is your country or hometown famous for? Please explain. JOBS 1) What kinds of jobs interest you most and least? 2) What is your dream job? 3) Is being a rock star or sports star a job? 4) What do you think the job of being an English teacher is like? 5) Who has the best job in the world? Why do you think so? 6) Are there jobs that are only for women or only for men? 7) How many jobs do you think you'll have in your life? EDUCATION 1) How important do you think education is? 2) Do you think the quality of education is slipping? 3) Does your government really care about education? 4) What is a good education? 5) Is the level of education in your country good? 6) What would you like to change about the education system of your country 7) Do you think your teachers gave too much homework? How much homework should teachers assign students?​


Ответ дал: GGeldar


Sure, let's talk about "FOOD FOR THOUGHT, THOUGHTS ON FOOD."

1) I appreciate a variety of foods, but I particularly enjoy dishes with bold flavors and diverse textures. On the flip side, I'm not a fan of overly spicy dishes.

2) The best meal I've ever had was a homemade lasagna. The layers of pasta, rich meat sauce, and gooey cheese created a perfect harmony of flavors that left a lasting impression.

3) The strangest dish I've tried is probably escargot (snails). The combination of garlic and herbs made it surprisingly enjoyable, despite the initial hesitation.

4) The most disgusting dish for me was a fermented fish delicacy. The pungent smell and intense flavor were overwhelming and not to my liking.

5) I cook regularly, and I excel at preparing pasta dishes and various stir-fries.

6) While I aim for a balanced diet, there are times when convenience trumps nutrition. It's a work in progress.

7) I can't go without chocolate for too long. It's my guilty pleasure, and I find it hard to resist.

8) My country is famous for its barbecue, known for its distinct regional styles and flavorful sauces. It's a culinary tradition deeply rooted in our culture.

Feel free to ask more or elaborate on any specific point!

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