(105) Fill in "who", "whose", "what", "when" or "where". 1. Where ? in the park 2. ?Jane's 3. ? a table ? at 6 o'clock ? at school ? the doctor ? on Sunday က 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ? Peter ? a horse ? at night ? today ? Julie ? a snake ? John's 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. ? at noon ? Mother ? Father's ? at Christmas ? on Tuesday ? in the room ? in May ​



Ответ дал: firstkreox


  1. Where? in the park
  2. Whose? Jane's
  3. What? a table;
  4. When? at 6 o'clock;
  5. Where? at school;
  6. What? the doctor;
  7. When? on Sunday
  8. Who? Peter
  9. What? a horse
  10. When? at night
  11. When? today
  12. Who? Julie
  13. What? a snake
  14. Whose? John's
  15. Where? at noon
  16. Who? Mother
  17. Whose? Father's
  18. When? at Christmas
  19. When? on Tuesday
  20. Where? in the room
  21. When? in May

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