A. Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1. What's that smell? PLEASANT 2. Don't you know it's to stare at other people? 3. Some people think this book is boring, but 1 AGREE 4. Tidy up your desk! You can be so sometimes. ORGANISE 5. This chair is POLITE Vocabulary COMFORTABLE Can I sit on the sofa? Score: /5



Ответ дал: s8384995

1. What's that smell? It's PLEASANT.

2. Don't you know it's IMPOLITE to stare at other people?

3. Some people think this book is boring, but I AGREE.

4. Tidy up your desk! You can be so DISORGANISED sometimes.

5. This chair is UNCOMFORTABLE. Can I sit on the sofa?

Score: 4/5

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