II. Match to make word combinations.

1. Plant a) the heating.

2. Turn up b) trees.

3. Recycle c) a bath.

4. Have d) paper.

III. Mark the correct form of the verbs.

1. If there is more people, they … more food, houses and energy.

a) need c) won’t need

b) will need d) needed

2. If our springs and summers … very hot, there won’t so much snow in winter.

a) are c) won’t

b) will be d) is

3. We won’t have enough water in the future if we … it.

a) don’t save c) save

b) doesn’t d) will save

4. If there is a rubbish everywhere, it … dangerous for wild animals.

a) won’t be c) aren’t

b) are d) will be


Ответ дал: HayatEle



1. d)

2. c)

3. b)

4. а)


1. b) will need

2. a) are

3. a) don’t save

4. d) will be


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