5 ".... do you exercise?" "Three times a week." A How many B How often C How much 6 7 8 9 10 11 du A What 24 CARROSALE A How many FL SELLER. A How W did you travel to Manchester?" "By train." B Why C How …………… pens have you got?" "Ten." ....... pullover do you like best? The red or the blue one?" A Which do you get up in the morning?" "At seven." B What time C Where B How long C How much VELL "To Italy." A How B What C Where are you going for your summer holiday?" B Where C When ....... do you like doing in your free time?" ******* "Watching TV." A Where B When C What 12 .............. did you go to Jenny's last night?" "It was her birthday." A Why B When C How​


Ответ дал: ardrig09


5 ".... do you exercise?" "Three times a week." A How many B How often C How much

6 "How ....... did you travel to Manchester?" "By train." A How many B Why C How

7 ".......... pens have you got?" "Ten." A How many B How often C How much

8 "Which ....... pullover do you like best? The red or the blue one?" A Which B What C Where

9 "What time do you get up in the morning?" "At seven." A How many B What time C Where

10 "Where are you going for your summer holiday?" "To Italy." A How B What C Where

11 "What ....... do you like doing in your free time?" "Watching TV." A Where B When C What

12 "Why .............. did you go to Jenny's last night?" "It was her birthday." A Why B When C How

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