• Предмет: Математика
  • Автор: Аноним
  • Вопрос задан 1 месяц назад

Sat math ……………………………….



Ответ дал: ruslanfeya5


For Chemical X:

Initial amount of X = 12 mg, and it decreases by 0.5 grams every minute for 12 minutes.

So, the amount of X left after 12 minutes = 12 - (0.5 * 12) = 12 - 6 = 6 grams.

For Chemical Y:

Initial amount of Y = 20 mg, and it decreases by a factor of 2 every four minutes for 12 minutes.

We can calculate the number of times Chemical Y decreases in 12 minutes by dividing 12 by 4. This gives us 3 intervals.

So, the amount of Y left after 12 minutes = 20 / (2^3) = 20 / 8 = 2.5 grams.

To find the difference between the amount of X and Y after 12 minutes, we calculate:

Difference = Amount of X - Amount of Y

Difference = 6 - 2.5

Difference = 3.5 grams.

After 12 minutes, the amount of Chemical X is 3.5 grams greater than the amount of Chemical Y.

Answer: 3.5 B)

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