Complete the text with one word in each gap.

Some of the world’s (1) ……………………… successful people (2) ……………………… failed at some point in their lives – sometimes more than once! Less determined people might (3) …………………… given up, but these people remained focused on their goals. There are many inspiring examples: Thomas Edison’s teachers told him that he was too stupid to learn anything yet he went on to invent many world-changing devices, such as the light bulb and the phonograph; Albert Einstein was not a good student; Walt Disney was told he wasn’t creative (4) ……………………… to succeed in the movie business; Steve Jobs was fired from his own company, Apple, but later returned to reinvent the company image. If these famous people had listened to those who told them they didn’t have the talent to succeed, the world would be a poorer place. The lesson from these examples is that if you fail, it doesn’t matter. What matters (5) ……………………… how you respond to that failure.


Ответ дал: Trubochist1k


1. most

2. have

3. have

4. enough

5. is

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