1 Read the article quickly. Choose the best summary (a-h) for each paragraph (1-8).
Fight for what you want
1 Nujeen Mustafa is a teenager
with an incredible story. She
was born with cerebral palsy.
For the first 15 years
of her life, she lived happily in Syrta
with her family. She studied hard,
learning Engich through American
soap operas. Her dream was to
become an astronaut.
2 However, since 2011, normal
life in Syria has been destroyed by
war. The town where Nujeen grew.
up, Kobane, has now been entirely
destroyed. Millions of Syrians,
including Nujeen's family, have been
forced to leave. Indeed, Nujeen
quickly became separated from her
family during the chaos and became
frightened, not knowing whether i
she would live or die. Her dream now
was just to be a normal teenager,
3 Nujeen, with only a few belongings,
and with only her sister to help push
her wheelchair, managed to leave
Syria. Withabsolutely nowhere
to go, except perhaps to join the
rest of her family, who were now in
a Nujeen finds what she wanted
b Nujeenstartsher journey
< Life at home
d Refugees not welcome
The lowest point
f Nujeen's life changes completely
The world learns about Nujeen
h Nujeen remains determined
Germany, she spent weeks travelling
to the Turkish seaside town of
Bodrum. There, boats were waiting
to take refugees to Greece. Nujeen
remembers being terrified while she
was crossing the sea on the boat,
4 After this nightmare journey, she
travelled across Greece and two
other countries before she reached
the border of Hungary. Most fit
people would be worn out
by this difficult journey, but Nujeen,
despite her disability, stayedi
cheerful. She knew her goal,
5 By this time, the Hungarian
government had stopped allowing i
refugees into its country, and was
prepared to use violence against
them. So Nujeen, and thousands
of other desperate people, had
no choice but to take an even
longerjourney through two more
countries, Creatia and Slovenia,
6 It was at this point that Nujeen met
a journalist
Because of the American soap
operas she had enjoyed watching,
Nujeen was able to speak to him.
She told her story, which quickly
made the news in Britain and the US.
7 in Slovenia, Nujeen had to stay
in a refugee camp behind bars.
At this point, after everything she
had gone through, she was wom
out, and felt like a prisoner. With
no idea of where she was, or
the started to feel as
if she would never be reunited with
her relatives.
8 Luckily for Nujeen, she did reach
her brother in Germany, after
months of travelling. She is now
hoping to stay there for a while,
contribute to society, and perhaps
receive medical treatment
This intelligent,
breve young woman has nowhere
else to go. The Syria that she grew
up in has gone now. But, she
believes that people are stronger
and braver than they think. Fight
for what you want, and you may
well get it.
2 Read the article again. Match the missing extracts
(a-h) with the gaps in the paragraphs (1-8).
which was small and dangerously overcrowded
b when she could leave
who was covering the story for the BBC
d which means that she has spent her life in a
wheelchair, unable to walk
which was to fightforwhat she wanted
which could help her to walk for the first time
who woke up, went to school, came home and did
h which meant crossing large rivers and other
dangerous, remote areas



Ответ дал: saparmerei

Ответ:Summary for Each Paragraph:

1. Paragraph 1: Nujeen Mustafa, a teenager with cerebral palsy, had a dream of becoming an astronaut but faced challenges due to the war in Syria.

2. Paragraph 2: The destruction caused by the war in Syria forced Nujeen and her family to leave, separating her from them and changing her dream to a desire for a normal life.

3. Paragraph 3: Nujeen, with her sister's help, left Syria, heading to Germany as her family sought refuge. Her journey involved crossing the sea from Bodrum to Greece.

4. Paragraph 4: Despite the difficult journey across Greece and other countries, Nujeen remained cheerful and focused on her goal.

5. Paragraph 5: Hungary's refusal to admit refugees led Nujeen and others to take a longer route through Croatia and Slovenia, facing challenges and dangers.

6. Paragraph 6: Nujeen met a journalist in Slovenia, shared her story, and gained media attention in Britain and the US.

7. Paragraph 7: In Slovenia, Nujeen faced difficulties in a refugee camp and felt worn out, unsure if she would reunite with her relatives.

8. Paragraph 8: After months of travel, Nujeen reached her brother in Germany, hoping to stay, contribute to society, and receive medical treatment.

Matching Missing Extracts:

a) Paragraph 1: Nujeen starts her journey.

b) Paragraph 2: Life at home.

c) Paragraph 3: Nujeen finds what she wanted.

d) Paragraph 4: Refugees not welcome.

e) Paragraph 5: The lowest point.

f) Paragraph 6: Nujeen's life changes completely.

g) Paragraph 7: The world learns about Nujeen.

h) Paragraph 8: Nujeen remains determined.


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