1. The sun is shining now, but do you think it. later? a) is going rain --- b) is raining c) will rain d) will raining 2. That bag looks heavy. I____ you, a) am helping b) am going to help c) will be helping d) will help 3. What are your plans for the weekend? -I_____ my friends. a) will see b) am seeing c) am going to see d) see 4. Watch out! You a) crash b) are going crash c) are going to crash d) are crashing --- Test the car. 5. The more electricity you use, the higher your charge a) would be b) be c) is going be d) will be a) will have b) am having c) am going to have d) have 8. Tom is very busy. He a) will call b) is calling 6. I am going to a wedding on Saturday. A friend of mine, a) gets married b) is getting married c) is going to get married d) will get married 7. I feel a bit hungry. I think I ---- Something to eat. back later. -111 on Sunday. c) will be calling d) is going to call 9. My friends to Barcelona on Sunday morning. a) will fly b) are going to fly c) are flying d) is flying 10, Ann__ her holiday in New York, but she hasn't bought the tickets yet.​


Ответ дал: tenanatoly40

The sun is shining now, but do you think it will rain later?

c) will rain

That bag looks heavy. I am going to help you.

b) am going to help

What are your plans for the weekend? -I am going to see my friends.

c) am going to see

Watch out! You are going to crash.

c) are going to crash

The more electricity you use, the higher your charge will be.

d) will be

Tom is very busy. He is calling back later.

b) is calling

I am going to a wedding on Saturday. A friend of mine is getting married.

c) is getting married

I feel a bit hungry. I think I will have something to eat.

d) will have

My friends are flying to Barcelona on Sunday morning.

c) are flying

Ann is planning her holiday in New York, but she hasn't bought the tickets yet.

b) is planning

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