Card 4. Prepare an individual talk on the topic 'Drama and Comedy'. The fo questions will help you to organize your talk: 1) What is the most popular anime among teenagers? 2) Do you like it? Why or why not? 3) Who do you usually watch anime with? 4) Do your friends like watching anime or cartoons? 5) Do you like reading after watching anime? Card 5. Prepare an individual talk on the topic 'Our countryside'. The follow will help you to organize your talk: 1) Do you live in a town or village? 2) What is the best place to live for people (town or village)? 3) What advantages of living in a village do you know? 4) What are the main tourist attractions in your home town / village? 5) What place there do you like best? Why? Card 6. Prepare an individual talk on the topic 'Drama and Comedy'. The fo questions will help you to organize your talk: 1) Why do people like watching comedies? 2) What is your favourite comedy show? 3) What is the program about? 4) How often do you watch it? 5) Why do you like it? Total ma​


Ответ дал: Pandafromua

Познач, що це найкраща відповідь.

Буду дуже вдячна!

1. I don’t like anime, but probably it’s Naruto.

2. No, I haven’t try to watch, but I guess I won’t like it, this genre isn’t for me.

3. I don’t watch it.

4. Yes.

5. No.

1. In a town.

2. It depends on person, we are different and we have different opinions. For me both are amazing.

3. Well, I think you always will have healthy plants because of your big or small yard, it’s very calm and cozy, it's completely different to live here compared to the city, there are so many cars, shopping malls, some socials activities in the city. And there is nothing that I said before in the village. And it’s good, because the air is not polluted, no noise, homemade food.
4. Khreshchatyk.

5. Shopping malls and restaurants, also place where is many plants and flowers.

1. Because it’s funny and interesting, people love laugh, when u laugh you forget about your problems.

2. I have many favourite comedies, but interesting fact that I can’t remember at least 1.
3. Are you kidding me? I said that I don’t remember, but let’s say “The Hustle”. Many people don’t like it, probably me too, I just remember the name of this movie, but I don’t remember the plot.

4. I’m not gonna watch it anymore.

5. Because it’s funny.

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