III. Transform into reported speech
1. "You don't need to come tomorrow," said Tom.
2. "Are you working as well as studying?" asked Peter.
3. "What do you usually do in the evening?" asked John.
4. "Don't make too much noise, children," he said.
5. "Please, do as I say," he begged me.


Ответ дал: Iwonа


1. "You don't need to come tomorrow," said Tom.

Tom said that I didn't need to come the next day.

2. "Are you working as well as studying?" asked Peter.

Peter asked if I was working as well as studying.

3. "What do you usually do in the evening?" asked John.

John asked what I usually did in the evening.

4. "Don't make too much noise, children," he said.

He asked the children not to make too much noise.

5. "Please, do as I say," he begged me.

He begged me to do as he said.


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