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Ответ дал: ruslanfeya5

1. We're stay in the Grand Hotel.

  Correction: We are staying in the Grand Hotel.

  Reason: "We're" is a contraction of "we are," and should be followed by the present participle "staying."

2. I not am working at the moment.

  Correction: I am not working at the moment.

  Reason: "Not" should come after the auxiliary verb "am."

3. Who are that people over there?

  Correction: Who are those people over there?

  Reason: "That" should be replaced with "those" to match the plural noun "people."

4. What she's doing in Australia?

  Correction: What is she doing in Australia?

  Reason: The word order should be "is she doing," and "what" is used at the beginning of the question.

5. They're haveing a meeting.

  Correction: They are having a meeting.

  Reason: "Haveing" is not a correct form of the verb; it should be "having."

6. Can I have that one red?

  Correction: Can I have that one in red?

  Reason: The sentence needs to specify the color of the item, so "in red" should be added at the end.

Ответ дал: elyusha58


1. We're staying in the Grand hotel

2. I am not working at the moment

3. Who are these people over there?

4. What is she doing in Australia?

5. They have a meeting

6. Can I have that red one?

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