E. Read the three postcards and answer the questions below. Write M for Mum, D for Dad or N for Neal. Hello Kim, How's your studying going? We're having a great time camping. I didn't think I'd like it but it's good fun. I've created a new soup recipe and your dad really loves it. Neal hardly touches it, he just eats sandwiches and crisps all day. The tents are a bit uncomfortable, but I sleep all right. Must be the fresh country air. Talk to you soon, Mum Hi Sis! Dear Kim, Sorry you can't be with us. We're having Lots of fun. Our new tents are brilliant and we've found a great place right next to a river. Your brother and I had our first experience fishing but we were unsuccessful, which wasn't a shock. We had good fun, though. Your mum keeps making a very unpleasant soup. I asked her if I could make some dinner, but she says she doesn't mind. cooking for us. What can I do? Take care, Dad You're so lucky. I can't wait to go to university so I can avoid these trips with Mum and Dad. I spent yesterday afternoon fishing with Dad. I pretended to have fun, but it was boring. Mum has come up with a new soup recipe and it's disgusting. She asked dad if he liked it, and he said yes! Now she's making it every day. Also, I want my room back, I can't sleep in my tent! See you soon, 1. Who isn't having a good time? 2. Who hasn't been sleeping well? 3. Who has lied about something? 4. Who didn't expect to have a good time? 5. Who tried a new activity? 6. Who expected to be bad at something? WB p.83 Говорит: 16 and and



Ответ дал: dontworry2059

Ответ:Neal isn't having a good time.

Kim hasn't been sleeping well.

Dad has lied about liking Mum's soup.

Neal didn't expect to have a good time.

Kim and her brother tried a new activity (fishing).

Kim expected to be bad at fishing.


Ответ дал: larisaavetisyan24


1. Neal isn't having a good time.

2. Neal hasn't been sleeping well.

3. Dad has lied about liking the soup.

4. Mum didn't expect to have a good time.

5. Dad and Neal tried fishing, a new activity.

6. Neal expected to be bad at fishing.

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