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Тут 2 задания!
2) Fill in the gaps with appropriate words: bounced, set off, spotted, pick me up, shelter, shore, suffers from, crawl, crashed into, scare off, surfaced, wilderness, to their horror, branches, rescue helicopter, alight 1. My friend said that he would ... from the airport when I arrive. 2. She ... severe motion sickness, so she always takes medicine before travelling. 3. The driver was not paying attention and ... the tree on the side of the road. 4. We spent five days hiking in the... without seeing a single sign of civilization. 5. After the long hike, we finally reached the ... and were greeted by the beautiful ocean view. 6. We plan to ... early tomorrow morning to avoid the heavy traffic on the highway. 7. The ball... off the wall and hit me in the face. 8. The stranded hikers were grateful when they saw the... approaching in the distance. 9. As we walked through the forest, my brother used a stick to brush away any low- hanging .... they realized they had got off at the wrong train station. 10..... 11. First thing we need to do is get this fire.... 12. On our hike, we ... a rare species of bird on a tree branch. 13. As it started to rain, we took ... under a large tree until the storm passed. 14. We tried to ... the bear by making loud noises, but it continued to approach us. 15. The submarine ... a few miles off the coast. 16. After twisting her ankle, she had to ... back to camp instead of walking.



Ответ дал: Volkfcj

My friend said that he would pick me up from the airport when I arrive.

She suffers from severe motion sickness, so she always takes medicine before traveling.

The driver was not paying attention and crashed into the tree on the side of the road.

We spent five days hiking in the wilderness without seeing a single sign of civilization.

After the long hike, we finally reached the shore and were greeted by the beautiful ocean view.

We plan to set off early tomorrow morning to avoid the heavy traffic on the highway.

The ball bounced off the wall and hit me in the face.

The stranded hikers were grateful when they saw the rescue helicopter approaching in the distance.

As we walked through the forest, my brother used a stick to brush away any low-hanging branches.

To their horror, they realized they had got off at the wrong train station.

First thing we need to do is get this fire alight.

On our hike, we spotted a rare species of bird on a tree branch.

As it started to rain, we took shelter under a large tree until the storm passed.

We tried to scare off the bear by making loud noises, but it continued to approach us.

The submarine surfaced a few miles off the coast.

After twisting her ankle, she had to crawl back to camp instead of walking.


Global warming is causing the polar ice caps to melt, which leads to rising sea levels.

Climate change is unpredictable and can have severe consequences for our environment.

We need to increase the efforts in reducing our carbon footprint to fight global warming.

Due to the drought, many farmers are struggling to grow crops, leading to food shortages.

The use of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.

The coastal areas in this region are at risk of flooding due to rising sea levels caused by global warming.

Many species are under threat of becoming extinct if we don't take immediate action to protect their habitats.

Our planet is in great danger, and we must all do our part to reduce our impact on the environment.

Using energy-saving bulbs is a simple but effective way to lower our energy consumption and reduce our carbon emissions.

It's our fault that the environment is facing so many challenges, but we have the power to make a positive change.

One way we can reduce global warming is by using public transport instead of driving cars.

The Earth's temperature continues to heat up, and it's crucial for us to implement environmentally-friendly practices to reduce the impact.

Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases act like a blanket or a cap, trapping some of the heat that Earth might have otherwise radiated out into space.

Scientists predict that if we continue emitting greenhouse gases at the current rate, certain animal species will vanish forever.

The melting of polar ice caps has led to an increase in sea levels, which could cause some islands to eventually vanish.

Many low-lying cities are at high risk of being submerged by the ocean if global warming is not addressed.

Some animal species are already extinct due to human activities, and many more are on the brink of extinction.

The ongoing environmental crisis has forced many animals to starve and struggle to survive in their changing habitats.

In order to reduce our usage of fossil fuels, we need to invest in renewable energy sources.

Many species of fish are under threat of extinction.

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