Уявіть, що ви переїхали. Напишіть електронного листа другу. (7-8 речень) на Англійській мові. Допоможіть будь ласка!


Ответ дал: pomoshnik2510
Dear [імʼя друга],

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to share some exciting news with you—I'm moving! After much consideration, I've decided to relocate to [Місто/Країна до якої переїхав] for [причина переїзду].

The decision wasn't easy, but I believe this move will bring new opportunities and experiences. I'm a bit nervous, of course, but also looking forward to this new chapter in my life.

I'll miss our [шось ваше спільне], but distance can't break a bond like ours. We'll have to make plans to visit each other or perhaps even explore new places together.

I wanted to let you know in advance so we can cherish our time together before I leave. Please let me know when you're available, and we'll make the most of it.

Thank you for always being there for me. I'll keep you updated on my new journey, and I hope we can stay connected despite the miles between us.

Take care, and speak soon!

Warm regards,
[Твоє імʼя]
Ответ дал: marksavcenko902


Hey [ім'я друга],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share some important news with you—I've recently moved! I've relocated to a new house, and it's been quite an adventure settling into this new place.

While I'm far from our previous location, I want you to know that you're still incredibly important to me. I'd love to catch up and hear about what's new with you, and I'm excited to share my experiences of exploring this new environment.

I hope everything is going great with you, and I'm looking forward to our next conversation.

Bye my friend

Regards [ваше ім'я]

pomoshnik2510: ти просто добавив фрази до мого тексту
marksavcenko902: Ні, я спочатку написав, і тільки потім побачив, що хтось також відповів на це завдання
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