Find the mistake.

1. I watched a film about
zombies. I was proud.
2. I know how to do this
task. I am confused.
3. My brother has a new
computer and he is
very sad.
4. He was sad 2 hours
ago, but he is sad

1. I live in Gabala 2
years ago.
2. Do you studied
English last year?
3. Was you tired?
4. Did you played
football yesterday?

1. I listend to a nice
song yesterday.
2. They studyed at the
same school.
3. My sister bakeed a
delicious cake last
4. They plaied
basketball 2 days

Аноним: 1. I lived in Gabala 2 years ago. 2. Did you study English last year? 3. Were you tired? 4. Did you play football yesterday?
Аноним: 1. I listened to a nice song yesterday. 2. They studied at the same school. 3. My sister baked a delicious cake last week. 4. They played basketball 2 days ago.


Ответ дал: Nutellllla

I watched a film about zombies. I was scared.
I know how to do this task. I am confident.
My brother has a new computer, and he is very satisfied.
He was sad 2 hours ago, but he is happy now.

I live in Gabala 2 years ago.
Correction: I have lived in Gabala for 2 years.
Do you studied English last year?
Correction: Did you study English last year?
Was you tired?
Correction: Were you tired?
Did you played football yesterday?
Correction: Did you play football yesterday?

I listened to a nice song yesterday.
They studied at the same school.
My sister baked a delicious cake last week.
They played basketball 2 days ago.
Ответ дал: DanceMarinka1357


1) The right answer is not "proud" but "scared" (how can you be proud of zombies?)

2) The right answer is "I DON'T know" (you wouldn't be confused if you knew)

3) The right answer is not "sad" but "happy" (how can he be sad when he has a new computer?)

4) The right answer is not "sad" but "happy" (if he was sad 2 hrs ago, and there is a contrasting, how can he be sad now?)


1) liveD

2) did/studY

3) wERE

4) play


1) l i s t e n E d

2) s t u d I e d

3) b a k e d

4) p l a Y e d

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