3 Rewrite the sentences and questions. Correct the mistakes. 1 Do you can speak Chinese? 2 We don't can play darts tonight. 3 She can't to type well. 4 They no can come to the party. 5 John doesn't can understand the waiter. 6 Do you can come bowling with us?​


Ответ дал: nunny


1 Can you speak Chinese?

2 We can't play darts tonight.

3 She can't type well.

4 They can't come to the party.

5 John can't  understand the waiter.

6 Can you come bowling with us?​


1 Ты говоришь по-китайски?

2 Мы не сможем сегодня поиграть в дартс.

3 Она плохо печатает.

4 Они не смогут прийти на вечеринку.

5 Джон не понимает официанта.

6 Ты можешь пойти с нами в боулинг?​

Модальный глагол can используется без вспомогательных.

Ответ дал: yumek0
1. Can you speak Chinese?
2. We can't play darts tonight.
3. She can't type well.
4. They can't come to the party.
5. John can't understand the waiter.
6. Can you come bowling with us?
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