5 Complete the conversation with too, too much, too many or (not) enough. PAT Can you come swimming today? It's not ¹ JAMES Sorry, I can't. I haven't got ² 2 PAT Really? We don't have ³ JAMES No, but I've got * PAT Why do you need to do jobs? JAMES I don't have 5 jobs to do at home. busy on Sunday mornings. time. homework this weekend, only a little bit. PAT Well, I need more money too, but I'm money, so my parents pay me to help with the chores on Sund lazy to do any extra work! CUMULATIVE LANGUAGE 6 Complete the conversation with the missing words. Circle) the correct options.​


Ответ дал: nurdauletsamatuly23


5 Complete the conversation with too, too much, too many, or (not) enough.

PAT: Can you come swimming today? It's not ¹ **too** far.

JAMES: Sorry, I can't. I haven't got ² **enough** time.

PAT: Really? We don't have ³ **too much** homework this weekend, only a little bit.

JAMES: No, but I've got ⁴ **too many** jobs to do at home.

PAT: Why do you need to do jobs?

JAMES: I don't have ⁵ **enough** money, so my parents pay me to help with the chores on Sundays. I'm busy on Sunday mornings.

PAT: Well, I need more money too, but I'm **not** lazy to do any extra work!

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