СРОЧНО!!!Это топик по английскому. Мне необходимо чего-то добавить или наоборот убрать, чтобы учитель поверила, что это я писал. И конечно же исправить ошибки с артиклями и т.д. СРОЧНО!!!
Conflicts are one of the main problems of teenagers. Conflict is a little misunderstanding beetween someone. Conflicts may be school, friend, family, or something else. Also, almost all teenagers have a little conflicts.For example I have a conflict in a family. The conflicts in a family can be between all relatives. Moikonflikta occurred between me and my elder brother Anton. Now it already big also serves in army. When we lived in one room, we always clashed, it were the personal conflicts. For example we divided the room, where and whose half or who and how many sat the computer. These conflicts were quickly resolved when our room was entered by mother. I think that it is easy to solve the conflicts if to be quiet, polite and intelligent.


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