ЗАДАНИЕ 2: Вставьте
предлоги там, где это необходимо.  

The secretary is sitting ___(1)___ the desk and
speaking ___(2)___ the phone; she is making an appointment ___(3)___  next Monday.

The board began ___(4)___  11 o’clock and lasted ___(5)___  an hour and a half.   

___(6)___ the other day their firm placed an enquiry ___(7)___  the motors ___(8)___   Brown
and Co.

 Our partners
offered to deliver the engines
___(9)___ four lots ___(10)___ 8  engines each ___(11)___ regular intervals ___(12)___  2 months.

So far our companies have done a lot ___(13)___  business together and  we can give ___(14)___  you a discount. ___(15)___  discount can be ___(16)___  8%.

Mr. Black agreed ___(17)___  the delivery terms and ___(18)___  payment ___(19)___  collection.


Ответ дал: nunny
a)      The secretary is sitting at (1) the desk and speaking on (2) the phone; she is making an appointment for (3) next Monday.
b)     The board began 4) at 11 o’clock and lasted (5) for an hour and a half.   
c)    (6)The other day their firm placed an enquiry (7) for the motors (8) at Brown and Co.
d)      Our partners offered to deliver the engines (9) in four lots (10) of 8 engines each (11) at regular intervals (12) of 2 months.
e)     So far our companies have done a lot (13 of business together and  we can give (14)  you a discount. (15) The discount can be (16) 8%.
f)     Mr. Black agreed (17) on the delivery terms and (18) on payment (19) collection.

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