Помогите составить текст 5 предложений на английском как мы празднует день рождение в Россие

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Ответ дал: Таня200113
Birthday I note or with friends or with my family. We celebrate the birthday in a cafe or at home. If we are celebrating at home I for my birthday. I do the cooking herself. Parents give me money. Friends or money or gifts.

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Таня200113: пожалуйста
Ответ дал: laura8098
Russian Birthday Party!
Basically, we celebrate Birthdays with our family or with our best friends. We invite friends to the cinema or to a waterpark. There we are having a lot of fun. After that we, basically, go to cafe and order delicious meals and drinks. It's very important to thank your guests for gifts! If all of that things are completed your Birthday Party will be perfect!!!

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шитцу: да спасибо
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