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Задание: report what these people asked or said:

1. Phil: There were many wildlands in America. 2. Ann: Did you see any skyscrapers in New York? 3. Kitty: What did you find on the beach? 4. Mother: i want a cup of tea  5.Sam: i am in Moscow for the first time. 6.the teacher: water boils at 100 degrees centigrade 7. the teacher: the Earth moves round the Sun. 8. Sam: i will do it only for you 9. Phil: Will you go to the cinema tomorrow? 10. My friend: We met long ago 11. Bob: I must give up smoking 12. Sam: I can't ride a bike 13. Mother: We shan't arrive at 5 tomorrow 14. Socrates: Nothing can harm a good man


Ответ дал: Iri1
1. Phil said that there had been many wildlands in America.
2.  Ann asked if I had seen any skyscrapers in New York.
3. Kitty asked  what I had found on the beach.
4. Mother said that she wanted  a cup of tea.
 5.Sam said that he was in Moscow for the first time.
6.The teacher said that water boiled at 100 degrees centigrade.
7. The teacher said that the Earth moved round the Sun.
8. Sam said that he would do it only for me.
9. Phil asked if I would go to the cinema the next day.
 10. My friend said that  they had met long before.
11. Bob said tha he had to I  give up smoking
12. Sam said that he couldn't  ride a bike
13. Mother said that they shouldn't  at 5 the next day.
14. Socrates said that  Nothing could  harm a good man

Ответ дал: nunny
1. Phil said that there had been many wildlands in America. 2. Ann asked me if I had seen any skyscrapers in New York. 3. Kitty asked me what I had found on the beach. 4. Mother asked me for a cup of tea  5. Sam said that he was in Moscow for the first time. 6. The teacher said that water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade 7. The teacher said that  the Earth moves round the Sun. 8. Sam said that he would do it only for me. 9. Phil asked me if I would go to the cinema the next day. 10. My friend said that they had met  long before. 11. Bob said that he had to give up smoking 12. Sam said that he couldn't ride a bike 13. Mother said that they wouldn't arrive at 5 the next day. 14. Socrates said that nothing could harm a good man.
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