Open the brackets. Use the correct tense form:

1) If it stopped raining, we (to be able) ... to go out.

2) We wish there (not to be) ... so many people there.

3) If you (to come)... at ten tomorrow, you would probably find him in.

4) If you didn't give up smoking, you (not to be)... healthy.

5) If we (not to go)... to their party, they would have been very angry.


Ответ дал: Iag2003

1) If it stopped raining, we woUld be able to go out.

2) We wish there won't be so many people there.

3) If you came at ten tomorrow, yoU would probably find him in.

4) if you didn't give Up smoking, you wouldn't be healthy.

5) If we didn't go to their party, they woUld have been very angry.

Ответ дал: аннюша99

1) If it stopped raining, we would be able to go out.

2) We wish there will not be  so many people there.

3) If you  came  at ten tomorrow, you would probably find him in.

4) If you didn't give up smoking, you would not  be  healthy.

5) If we  didn*t  go  to their party, they would have been very angry.

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