Раскрой скобки.


1. Bob.................... (take) the ball.

 2.Kate................... (like) her puppy.

3. the teachers................ (love) the pupils.

4. The puppy ................... (jump).

5. I ..................(run).


Скажите, что это не так.


1.I................ run.

2.The cat .............. Jump.

3. They .................. take the cat.

4. The dog ............ take the kittens.

5. My aunt ............. like her cat.

Anonimanonimous: Past Simple?Present Continious?


Ответ дал: nunny
1. Bob takes the ball.  2.Kate likes her puppy. 3. The teachers love the pupils. 4. The puppy jumps. 5. I run.    1.I don't run. 2. The cat doesn't jump. 3. They don't take the cat. 4. The dog doesn't take the kittens. 5. My aunt doesn't like her cat.
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